If you absolutely must buy a new outfit, set a budget before you start shopping. Some people go to thrift stores or consignment shops to buy clothes or accessories. That is great if you have the time to look through a bunch of racks to find that one special articles of clothes or accessory or if you have money to spend on vintage designer clothing. As an alternative, just go to discount stores like Marshalls and TJMaxx or even Target.
Even though you may not have the time to search the racks of a consignment shop, someone else might, so still look through your closet and donate clothing and shoes that you are not going to wear, or give them to a family member, they will appreciate that.
Why not have a clothes swap. Organize a party with a group of friends and bring all your clothes that still has the tags on them that you never intend to wear and trade clothes.
QUICK TIP: No matter what you give or who you give it to, make sure the item is in good condition.
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